With the theme of ‘Towards Carbon Neutrality • Excellence in Sustainable Built Environment’, the biennial Green Building Award 2025 (GBA 2025) is co-organised by the Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC) and the Professional Green Building Council (PGBC).
The award aims to recognise building-related projects and organisations with outstanding performances and contributions towards a sustainable built environment while advocating the wider adoption of green building design and practices throughout a building’s life-cycle.
Grasp the chance to showcase how your organisation or project contributes to a carbon-neutral built environment. Check out the Nomination Kit for details. Online submissions will be available on 22 April 2025.
Nomination Kit
Key Dates
13 March
Nomination starts
22 April
Open for Online Submission
13 June at 6:00pm
Nomination closes
Selection of Finalists by Scientific Committee
Early August
Finalists announced
6-7 September (or 13-14 Sep in case of adverse weather conditions on 6-7 Sep)