
GBA 2023
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Media Coverage

The Green Building Award 2023 recognised building-related projects and organisations with outstanding performances and contributions towards a sustainable built environment. The media coverage highlights the inspiring stories and achievements of the GBA 2023 Award Winners. Click the images or links below to explore the featured news and industry milestones of these award-winning projects and organisations.


提名數目創新高 同業積極建設零碳未來

Ming Pao (23 Nov 2023)
Print News



擁抱美好生活 ‧ 締造優質綠建環境
獲147項提名 創歷屆新高

Hong Kong Economic Times (23 Nov 2023)
Print News




147項提名再創新高 68個獎項實至名歸表揚業界貢獻

Sing Tao Daily (23 Nov 2023)
Print News




GBA 2023 Embracing Wellbeing
PRC Magazine (2023 Issue 113)
Print News




污水泵房上建公園獲獎 渠署:冀破負面印象
Ming Pao Daily News &
Mingpao news network (15 Feb 2024)

Print News / Digital News




中建香港ESG 樂做業界領頭羊
Economic Digest (2 Mar 2024)
Print News / Digital News




信和重建珊瑚礁 助海洋生物多樣化
Ming Pao Daily News (5 Mar 2024)
Print News





AIRSIDE獲業界奧斯卡 走在ESG最前線
Economic Digest (16 Mar 2024)
Print News / Digital News



華懋羅日榮 : 金融機構看重ESG

EastWeek (20 Mar 2024)
Print News / Digital News



利安綠色建築 由內地到中東
Economic Digest (8 Apr 2024)
Print News / Digital News




iMoney (13 Apr 2024)
Print News / Digital News




iMoney (13 Apr 2024)
Print News / Digital News




房地產新趨勢 置地:以ESG為增值服務
iMoney (13 Apr 2024)
Print News / Digital News



EastWeek (24 Apr 2024)
Print News / Digital News




中電重視環保減碳 著力推行節能
Economic Digest (27 Apr 2024)
Print News / Digital News




太古廣場六座 提供逾22萬呎樓面
Hong Kong Economic Times (7 Aug 2024)
Print News / Digital News




綠惜見未來: 石屎變森林
RTHK (31 Aug 2024)
TV Episode






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